Monday, March 7, 2011

Working like a fool.....

and I don't like it! Okay, tantrum over. Work has been a little, well, time-consuming over the past few days. Spent 11 hours slaving away yesterday. But the good news is that I'll get paid overtime for those 11 hours. Which is nice. On to bigger, better, waaaaay more fun things.....

On Saturday, we went down to Dad's house for his birthday cookout. Had a good time hanging out with my family and while we were there I scored a couple of iron-on embroidery patterns from my stepmom. She taught me the basics of embroidery a few years ago and I recently purchased a stitch dictionary. So I'm excited to try my hand at it! I'm just waiting on some supplies to come in and I'm ready to go :)

Oh, and here's a pic of the project that started it all. The one, the only, 30th birthday scrapbook page!

Isn't the birthday girl cute?!?! I had a lot of fun creating this. For the top of the page (where the "water" meets the "sand"), I spent about half an hour trying to come up with a way to make it look like actual water meeting actual sand. Everything I tried was just not working. I finally figured out that I needed some white to create that seafoam look. And then it all clicked - I just needed to tear the paper so that the white part showed!! Lemme tell you, when that lightbulb went off, you'd have thought that I had brought peace to the Middle East AND ended world hunger in one fell's the little things, people. The little things.

So. Hopefully I'll have some embroidery supplies soonish and can start showing you my more-than-likely sad and painfully inadequate attempts at hand embroidery. I know you're looking forward to it!

Oh! I almost forgot....

This is the 3rd of our 3 puppers. Harleybear is the eldest of the 3, but she enjoys flopping with the rest of them. As well as collar-shaking, barking at people walking by the house ("HEY! Person walking by! PERSON!!! WALKING BY!!! DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN, HE'S GOT A STROLLER!!!!!!!"), and snoring. I especially like the snoring bit....

Hope everyone's having a lovely Monday!



  1. So I caught all your tags this time. But I do miss underwater welding ;) I'm excited to see what gets going with the embroidery!

  2. It's a little difficult to talk about underwater welding all the time, but I'll see what I can do! ;) And I'm anxiously awaiting those amazon boxes full of embroidery goodness!

  3. I love the scrapbook page! You're a genius! The seafoam effect is perfect!!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Thanks Lolly! I am still ridiculously proud of that solution. lol I think this is why I'm so fond of crafting - it's problem-solving in the most creative way possible! It also doesn't hurt that you get to play with pretty things....
